Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Did Francis Hernandez Kill His Friends?

How many people can say that one of their high school friends became a serial killer? Those who attended Millikan High School in Long Beach, California in the late seventies and early eighties can. I am one of those people.

Around the time I graduated from high school in 1977, my friend, Lori, introduced me to a 15 year old punk named Francis Gerard Hernandez. We called him "Fran." He lived on Petaluma Street behind the Four Square Church.

I liked Fran. I thought he was a cool guy who had a good sense of humor. I'm not sure if Fran was attending school when I met him. If he didn't, it wouldn't have bothered me. I knew a few other teenage boys who did not go to school. What I remember most about Fran was his long, dark hair.

Lori and I went partying with Fran several times. We went to El Dorado Park in the new car that Lori's parents bought for her as a graduation gift. I remember driving through the park, listening to the radio, talking and laughing with Fran and Lori. Basically, we did what teenagers normally do.

When Lori and I were with Fran, he did not make any sexual advances toward either of us. I saw nothing that indicated that Fran might have a tendency to be violent. He certainly did not behave as if he hated women. Nor did I see anything that would cause me to feel fearful or distrustful of him. To me, Fran was just another kid who hung out at the park.

But I would like to be honest. Fran did a lot of drugs. Not just alcohol and marijuana. I heard he did hard drugs, such as Angel Dust and LSD. My definition of a "cool guy" must have been slightly skewed.

Several years later, my parents and I moved to California's High Desert. In January 1981, I was watching the news when something a newscaster said grabbed my attention. A young woman named Edna Bristol had been raped, tortured and strangled. Then her body was dumped at John Marshall Junior High, a school I attended when I was a girl.

Five days later, the body of a 16 year old girl named Kathy Ryan was dumped at Millikan High School. Millikan was the high school I attended. Like Edna, Kathy had been raped, brutalized and strangled. I did not know either of the victims. What was done to those unfortunate girls -- both before and after their deaths -- was unspeakable.

Shortly thereafter, Lori telephoned me. She told me that Fran had been arrested for the murders. I didn't know who she meant when she said Fran. At that time, I was acquainted with a woman named Fran in the desert. Lori reminded me of El Dorado Park. Memories of the young, dark-haired punk flooded my mind.

At first, I believed that Fran snapped after smoking Angel Dust or dropping acid. Angel Dust was prevalent in southern California in the late seventies. I was acquainted with some young men who went to a party and smoked what they thought was marijuana. The joint they smoked was laced with Angel Dust. They freaked out and ended up in a hospital's emergency room. I also read information put out by law enforcement about Angel Dust. At one time the drug was an animal tranquilizer, but vets stopped using it because it was too unpredictable. A person could use Angel Dust regularly for an extended period of time without having any problems. Suddenly and without warning, that person could have a bad reaction to the drug. For those reasons, I did not use Angel Dust.

I'm sure that most of you have heard about Art Linkletter's daughter and LSD. Do you wonder why I thought hard drugs may have contributed to the murders?

My theory that Francis killed Edna and Kathy while on a bad acid trip soon fell apart. He may have been higher than a kite when he killed Edna, but he enjoyed raping, torturing and killing her so much that he decided to make Kathy his second victim five days later. That was too logical and well-planned for a person having a bad reaction to drugs.

Years later, when appealing his death sentence, Fran's attorney argued that the court did not consider that he was an alcoholic and under the alcohol and marijuana when he committed the murders. (There was no mention of history of using hard drugs.) I've known many alcoholics. To my knowledge, none of the other alcoholics I've known has murdered anyone. Obviously, Francis Hernandez's case involves more than alcoholism or drug addiction.

I read on the internet that Fran's mother had a nervous breakdown and was prone to bizarre behavior. Perhaps he directed the rage and hatred he felt toward his mother at Edna and Kathy. Schizophrenia tends to run in families. Those who knew him have suggested that he was always odd. Fran was obviously out of his mind when he set out on his killing spree.

I don't know if it is true or not, but I remember reading in the newspaper that Fran's stepfather abused him. Violence begets violence. If he was abused as a child, would that have caused him to experience sadistic sexual fantasies?

Are some people just born evil?

I have often wondered why Fran killed Edna and Kathy, but he did not kill Lori or me. Some of my female friends also hung out with Fran. Why didn't he rape or kill them? I already know the answer. Fran was only 15 years old when I met him. He may have been already experiencing dark, violent sexual fantasies. But he had not yet acquired the old, dark green van that he turned into a portable torture chamber by gerry-rigging it so that the only way a person could get out was via the driver's door.

Some serial killers murder strangers. When apprehended by law enforcement, they cannot provide information that would identify their victims. Others kill prostitutes, topless dancers, the homeless or other people they think will not be missed.

Francis Hernandez did not target strangers. He knew both of his victims. He was able to catch Edna and Kathy off guard because they considered him to be a friend. He would have killed more friends too because he said at court that he was "just getting started" when he was arrested.

I was a young and naive woman in 1981. While I believed that it was morally wrong to murder anyone, I could not imagine why anyone would want to kill his friends. You were supposed to love your friends and be good to them. You weren't supposed to do anything that might harm your friends. I lost part of my innocence when I learned of Fran's crimes. By murdering Edna and Kathy, Fran ultimately betrayed all of his friends.


  1. The guy was just mentally disturbed and as you mentioned, his drug use likely pushed him over the edge.

  2. I went to Millikan high school and I remember when that body was found, it totally creeped me out.

  3. Francis did not know Edna. He was just a girl in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can not say that Francis and Kathy were friends, but he knew some of the same people she did. He was a violent killer not a clever one. When he killed my sister there was plenty of evidance to convict him. Not so with Edna. I think of Edna and her family now as I type this and they were so poor and lost in the court room.I have no idea what happened to them or if any of them are still living.I was only 20 at the time hearing things you never want to. In the end I would say he killed both girls and maybe others we do not know about because he could. He had no soul. These were not crimes of anger, or passion, these were thought out plans of evil.

    1. Edna Bristol was my sister-i-law and she did not know the scum bag that murdered her....He is lucky he was caught becuz he would have got done to him the same as he did to these girls but he would still be alive as long as possible to be is he dead yet? I sure hope so

    2. He is not even on death row any longer. He's very comfortably doing life at San Quentin and that in itself is a crime as far as I'm concerned 😟

    3. That story isn't accurate at all. I around the corner from Francis. It was the Presbyterian church at Los Coyotes diag and Studebaker rd. Francis was adopted. His adopted mom did have a mental disorder. She would torment his as a badly and a toddler. He regressed his anger and at times lashed out. I've stopped him a few times from causing serious injury or death to a couple of people. It was just a matter of time he would snap. I visited him in 1982 when he was in Los Angelos County Jail. His reason for the rape torture murders? . He replied to me....You know how I get when I'm drunk. I dropped the phone...flipped him off ...and walked away.

    4. Francis was the same grade as me. He lived around the block when we were in elementary school. We went to elementary, junior high and high school together. When I was in second grade and third grade he would light matches on me as he rode his bike next to where I walked on the sidewalk. He would call me names. He sacred me then. Later, in 3rd grade he set the Helen Keller Elementary school on fire. We all went home early that day. I remember when I was little riding my bike past his house as he was being literally thrown out the front door. I heard angry yelling from a man inside the house. It sounded awful but my young mind did not know how to process it. I feel so thankful that Francis showed his violence to me in 2nd grade so I knew to keep my distance from him forever. We need people in schools to look out for these kids and to see if they can really help them, not just punish them. Francis was suspended for starting the elementary school on fire. What did that do? Put him at home with his violent parent. I know no one is born evil, but the goodness can be trained out of people with enough torture and punishment. If schools would UNDERSTAND instead of punish, we may have the chance to make any future kids raised like Francis feel heard, feel loved, feel understood in Elementary school so he does not have to force the legacy he got from his family onto others. Obviously our school system needs to find more people who really understand how to help transform that pain he was in, if possible, before it's too late into real peace, real compassion, real kindness. My prayers and love are with the families and all of you who knew him.

    5. Hello Unknown. I got to make a few corrections. It has been a very long time. Francis showed up at Hellen Keller Elementary School when we were in 5th grade. He had been kicked out of Saint Maria Gorettis. We all knew he was coming. We all had heard the stories of his ugliness. He did not stop it at all. The fire you remember was at Demille Junior Highschool. He torched the office building in 1976. I was there and in the same grade as him and in many years f the same classes. It was common knowledge he did it because Mr Burns the Vice Principal paddled him very hard. He was as most never at our high school Millikan. He would only be seen out by the wall all the dipshits smoked weed and told each other how cool they were.

    6. I am researching this case and trying to get more details of Hernandez' life before the main incidents occurred. Any stories will be appreciated. These side stories really help paint a clearer picture.

    7. These are not side story's they are real true life story's before he killed those two young girls. It all adds up to someone the system never stopped. That's what pisses me off. Everyone,Everyone knew he was a screwed up person. One more. Me and my buddy's were riding our bmx bikes done a path that was between DeMille and the Girl Scouts land off Carson St. There he was with I can't remember if it was Robby Marten or Fred or some other so called friend. I went on high aleart. This was on a weekend. I knew we might be in for a fight. When we got to the end of the trail and came out on DeMilles east grass grounds he called us over. Lo and behold they had broke into the schools snack bar and had boxs full of melting ice cream sandwiches. He offered us them. We ate them till I thought I would bust!! We all filled our guts. As I rode away home to my house I looked back and there were still boxes full just melting in the sun. That is what bummed me out the waste of them. One of the few times he was cool and not a threat.

  4. Does any one have pictures of francis? I need your please.

  5. I lived down the street from Kathy. In fact, a friend of mine, Carol, actually was one that had to identify the body... Francis was also in my auto repair class. He showed up on the very first day of class and again on the last day of class. Both times extremely wasted, as in barely coherent.

  6. You poor naive person… Your definition of Francis “Must have been slightly skewed”? I’ll say.

    I too knew Francis. I lived two blocks over on Monogram. I knew him from grade school, as we went to the same private Catholic school (Saint Maria Goretti), the same middle school (Demille) and same high school (Millikan). For me, though, my opinion of him wasn't limited to a few years of hanging out with him getting drunk and smoking pot. What Francis did, quite truthfully, came as no surprise to my brothers, our friends in the neighborhood or me. Francis was no fun loving, joke telling guy who liked to drink beer and do drugs in Eldorado park by any stretch of the imagination. Francis was rotten to the core from an early age.

    The neighborhood we grew up in was full of young energetic boys who were no stranger to fighting. We had are "blocks" we hung out on and if someone came down your street and wasn't respectful, there was a fight. If you got caught on someone's block by yourself, it was likely you were going to have to fight your way home. Kinda the way it was. It was something we all accepted and being the oldest of three younger brothers I had my share of fighting. Not just protecting my brothers, but fighting with them as well. The interesting thing about it was that one day you might fight with someone and the next day that same guy might be on your football or baseball team. No one ever really took it all that seriously. Accept for Francis...

    My history with Francis started in about the fourth grade and went on almost to High School. I remember as clear as yesterday seeing Francis waiting by the gates as we would exit school at Saint Maria Goretti. He would stand there bulling kids and trying to get them to fight. Francis didn't fight to protect his block or because he had to honor his commitment to a friend or defend a brother, Francis picked on the weak and fought because he liked it. My first personal experience with this was when he laid eyes on me one day as I exited through the gates of school. I had saw this look before and this time he was coming after me. Not being one to back down, I set my books down and stood my ground.

    As the other kids ran, it was on. We took a few swings at each other and I decided i had had enough. A quick sidestep and a shove and I put Francis down. I stood over him as he lay there and asked "Had enough" and that is when I first saw it, the look in his eyes. Francis first stared at me blankly and then began to laugh maniacally. He growled a little and then spun around and tried to grab my legs and take me down. "You got to be kidding" I thought to myself. Not wanting to engage him again I grabbed my books and ran. “What a freak” I thought to myself.

    1. At least I admitted that I misjudged Francis. I was only 17 when I knew Fran. To me, he was just another kid at the park. Lots of people won't admit when they are wrong. But I did.

  7. For the rest of my years at Goretti and at the minimum of a few times a month, Francis would be out by the gates waiting for kids to fight with. Clearly he thought our fight wasn't over because if he saw me, he focused like a laser and came after me. As far as I was concerned, Francis was a freak and I saw no point in fighting him so I did everything I could to avoid him. This worked, but I knew the day was would come when I was going to have to go another round with him. I was getting tired of altering my routes home and running when I saw him. Finally I had enough.

    It didn't take long and as per usual, when he saw me, he bee lined right at me. This time I figured I would have to hurt him enough for him to get the message and leave me alone so I didn't hesitate. As soon as he got close I threw a quick punch and hit him straight in the face. Francis lunged forward and down we went to the ground. We tossed and turned on the ground with neither of us really being able to gain the advantage and then Francis did something that kids just didn't do. You see, even at 12 years old in a street fight, at least back then, we all had a code of ethics. You didn't bite, you didn't purposely scratch someone, you didn't poke someone in the eye and you NEVER choked someone.

    As our little wrestling match progressed it seemed that I was getting the best of Francis as I was straddling him and had his shoulders pinned to the ground. Thinking he had enough, I eased up a little and that is when he did it. Francis reached up and C clamped my throat and began to squeeze. Not a playful squeeze in an attempt to get me off of him, but a full throttle choke hold. I couldn't believe it! I looked down at Francis and he was grinning as he squeezed harder. He was clearly enjoying himself as I gasped for air. This jolted me to the reality of what was going on and I realized I was going to have to do more than punch Francis in the face and make his eyes water, so I decided to return the favor.

    I rolled to the side, knocked his hand from my throat and got him in a rear bar arm choke hold. I gave it everything I had and choked the sh!t out of that punk! Francis quit struggling and started to go limp. I assumed I had choked him to unconsciousness so I slid away from him and stood up. Once again I stood over Francis, looked down at him and said "Had enough?" As Francis came to he grunted, looked at me, laughed and grinned ear to ear. I will never forget that moment. I felt that I was looking down at a monster. No kid in his right mind that had just been choked out would act that way. He acted liked he enjoyed it. I picked my books up and ran. I knew there was no way I was ever going to stop this freaky a$$ kid, he liked fighting too much. At 12 years old I don't think I knew what the word sadistic meant, but that was clearly what I saw that day. No doubt about it.

    No one in the neighborhood ever really figured it out, but they used to say it was because he was filled with so much hate. We never knew for sure, but the story was that Francis was adopted and hated his parents. I can't personally speak to the truth of that matter, but what I can tell you, for a fact, is that my brothers and I used to walk by Francis's house on a regular basis and with an alarming rate of consistency, when you passed by, whether it was day or night, you would hear Francis screaming at his parents. You could hear things being thrown, objects breaking and household objects being smashed. The cops came to that house on more than one occasion and parents in the neighborhood said that Francis had threatened the very life of his own mother. Francis was the kid you didn't hang around with unless you wanted trouble.

    1. Hi ya Pearl, it's been a long time <3 I haven't seen your Blog since I sent you all the info on Frances trial. I'd heard what I thought were rumors about his sentence being reduced but I thought it had to be just that, rumors. Sorry to see it's for real. I expect to see it in the news he's out for time served. Don't ya just love the Ca. justice system......"NOT"

    2. Hes on death row. Francis Hernandez. I knew him as a kid. He's the first person and last I knew was gonna be a killer. He used to bully his mom and his dad let him and took Francis side over the issue

  8. From grade school and on through to High School our paths crossed. A few little fights here and there, but as I grew older and wiser, Francis grew older and more irresponsible. Yeah, I drank a few beers at Eldorado park too, but Pot, LSD and the drugs Francis did and the people he hung out with were clearly indicators of a person who just didn't care. Not the person I was interested in hanging out with. Like I said, it was no surprise to my brothers, our friends in the neighborhood or me when we heard Francis brutally raped, tortured murdered and burned those innocent victims. Anyone with eyes could see it coming. Francis was by no means a “Cool guy who had a good sense of humor.” He was a sick, twisted kid, who from a very early age, even when he had every chance to do right, chose to do EVIL.

    To this day I keep in touch with the core group of guys I grew up with in that neighborhood. We all made our mistakes, but almost without exception, we are a good group of guys who have all become successful and live an amazingly blessed life. Except Francis of course, but that was a choice he made…

  9. I knew kathy and francis. I was in the park the night he killed her. I asked where they were going and francis told me to get pizza. I asked him if i could go with them and he told me no becky im afraid of your dad. I got lucky that night. RIP my. Friend kathy.

    1. Wow Becky, I didn't know that. Crazy how lucky you are

  10. I consider myself lucky that my family and I moved away before the murders occurred.

    I was naive and trusting when I was a teen. I didn't think that anyone whom I considered a "friend" could or would hurt anyone. "Friends" just didn't do things like that. Since I considered Fran a "friend" (as opposed to being a "stranger"), I couldn't see him as being a bad person or hurting those girls. I also trusted him because he was another teenager like me (as opposed to being an "adult man.")

    As I recall, a girl friend introduced me to Francis at an older woman's house in Lakewood. The woman was in her forties and had long black hair. I thought she looked like a witch. She had a boyfriend who was in her twenties. I did not like to go there because I was afraid of the woman. My friend had warned me that the woman was jealous and didn't like other girls talking to her boyfriend. There were drugs in that house. That was another reason why I didn't want to be there.

    The only inkling I had that Francis might not be a cool guy was the fact that I met him at "the witch's house." It's ironic that I was deathly afraid of that woman, but I wasn't afraid of Francis.

    1. Francis Hernandez was our Catcher on our Plaza LL Baseball Team... He had a " NEW " bike at every practice at DeMille... His " NEW " bikes were a product of a thief... He was 10 years old at that time... That should help explain that he was born into and raised in a crazy household with minimal parental guidance and supervision... Lori ... Would that be Lori Wolford ?

  11. Dammed freak i remember the wall beside millikan where everyone hung out he always freaked me out i missed nothing about him at all but when he was arrested one more monster off the streets thank god

  12. I knew who he was but avoided him as much as possible. My best friend at Millikan lived around the corner from Francis and had him over to party every now and then. Fran is the type of guy that would approach someone and say, "...that guy over there is talking shit about you!" Standing in the corner Fran would watch the fight start, an evil grin on his face. I saw seen him do this maybe a year before the murders. FWIW, I didn't lose any sleep, several years later, when my friend said he visited Fran in prison and found him black and blue from inmates not tolerating Fran's taste in crime.

  13. He is still sitting on Death Row. What a waste of taxpayers money. I remember him. He was seeing a girl by the name of Heidi. I left Long Beach right before it happened. It could have been any of us girls. Hes just a big fat pig now. Found his pic on the internet. A list of Death Row inmates is where i seen him.

  14. He is still sitting on Death Row. What a waste of taxpayers money. I remember him. He was seeing a girl by the name of Heidi. I left Long Beach right before it happened. It could have been any of us girls. Hes just a big fat pig now. Found his pic on the internet. A list of Death Row inmates is where i seen him.

    1. In the Daily Journal Jan 9, 2018

      9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel vacated his murder conviction, because his attorney didn't argue his diminished capacity. He'll be free on the streets unless there is a new trial.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. In the papers today. 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel vacated his murder conviction, because his attorney didn't argue his diminished capacity. He'll be free on the streets unless there is a new trial. Thank you public defender Tracy Casadio for helping this monster get back out on the street to kill again.

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  18. I was in the same class and grade when Francis showed up at Hellen Keller in 5th grade. He had been kicked out of Saint Maria Gorettis. To say I know more than a little about him is well.. Ok. So who remembers when Fred Lacandra showed up at DeMille Junior High with a giant turban of bandages on his head? He was Francises friend yet he threw Fred off the roof of one of the school walkways just to see what it looked like. Lucky for Fred he landed in grass. I really wonder now how the hell the people that should of caught this just let him keep on keeping on. Francis was very visual. He wanted to see what things looked like. I call bullshit. He had been thinking about these things to do long before he did them to those two girls.


  20. I knew him from DeMille jr high. He often got into fights by the bike cage.
    I was at the El Dorado park "keyhole" and my car broke down.
    While I was waiting for my dad, he showed up in his van and offered me a ride. He had opened the side door.
    I turned him down since my dad was coming. This was after the first murder,but I was clueless it could be him. I knew him!
    I believe all was premeditated. He smoked weed since I knew him, hung out with people I knew. He deserves to be where he is for what he did to them.
    My brother-in-law knew the family of one of his victims, it was torture!

  21. This has been in my mind from my last post 2 years ago. I will repeat Francis thought things thru for years before he really did them. He prayed on the weak or who he could fool into thinking he was there friend. This bullshit he was high and drunk and did not know what he was doing is a lie!!!! Ask the poor 7th grader that as a 9th grader Francis made him get on his knees in the remote gym bathroom at DeMille that everyone knew to avoid. Ask him if he is still mad Francis pissed in his face. Francis did it to see what it looked like. I still to this day hope that kid is ok after that from Francis. He is and always will be a manipulating lier.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Last one Francis!! All of us remember the time you broke into our 6th grade class at Hellen Keller. Yeah so when we came in that morning everyone saw the golden liquid on Kady Whites desk chair. My simple mind at the time thought it was honey. When Miss Alvera cleaned it up I knew it was piss. Everyone knew you had a crush on her. Miss Alvera pointed out details to all of us. Like the fact whoever it was had plastic baseball cleats on because of the marks on the wall coming down from the glass window sky light you busted thru. All of us boys that played at Plaza little league wore them. Everyone knew it was you. What was it I think 2 hours later we all watched you from the class room widows being brought to the police car in handcuffs. Yeah that was you Francis.

  23. Edna was related to my fathers family. Edna was at the moms apt the day before Edna was murdered. So sad. Gives me a sinking feeling when my mom and I bring it up. I wasn’t born till 89 but I heard the story. So sad. Rip Edna

  24. I didn't know him until later, when we were teenagers and he was dating Heide. We hung out at Heartwell and the keyhole, i sold pot there too. I felt safe in that van... He used to drive us around, we'd all get drunk and high... Right after he and Heide broke up he asked me out. I would have but since it had only just happened i wanted to wait a bit, in case they were going to get back together... He drove me home. I lived by Marshall. Right about then is when it happened. I've always wondered why he was nice to me when we were alone but not those other two girls.
    Someone here said something about how he looked recently- and that he was beat on for hurting women... You're naive if you think that code of honor applies anymore, lol. Other cons don't give a fuck. They trade stories about the sick shit they do.
