Tuesday, January 10, 2012

On a More Personal Note

I'm not a vain person. I don't like to have my photo taken because it's so hard to grow old gracefully. Oh, well! None of us can be 26 or weigh 106 lbs. forever.

I went shopping at Macy's on New Year's Day. I bought a mother of the bride gown to wear to my daughter's wedding in Hawaii next June. My new gown is sapphire blue. The bride's maids will be wearing malibu blue (turquoise.)I think the colors will compliment each other.

Congratulations and best wishes to Kandice and Jeremy! Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. I've been meaning to congratulate you on your daughter's engagement for a while. Alas, Blogger comments has had "issues" with me for some time now. Hopefully I've figured out what its malfunction is.

    You look very fetching in your lovely dress. You needn't feel self conscious at all.
