Saturday, February 25, 2012

Will Senator Roach Help Families Victimized by CPS?

On February 23, 2012, Senator Pam Roach (R-Auburn) met with families who have had unhappy experiences with the Child Protective Services (CPS) at a press conference in Olympia, Washington. Chuck and Judy Cox and their attorney, Anne Bremner, were among the guest speakers.

Prior to the press conference, a member of Senator Roach's staff sent an email to interested people. The email stated that "the purpose of the meeting will be to explore the serious problems of CPS and to explore solutions to actions that may cause children harm." Interested people were invited to bring their 1 ½ minute ideas about CPS to the meeting.

Families drove from as far as Vancouver, Washington to attend the press conference. One man, who is hoping to regain custody of his children, said he came because "CPS is incredibly corrupt."

At the public hearing, one lady rose and complained because she was not notified when her son attempted suicide while CPS had custody of him. She also complained that she has not been allowed to see her son "in months." This was unfair to her and to her child because Joshua Powell was permitted to have supervised visitation with his sons in a house he rented.

A paper entitled "21 Reasons CPS Takes Low Income Kids" was given to interested people at the meeting. This paper was written by Catherine Sullivan, a board member of Parents Organizing for Welfare and Economic Rights (P.O.W.E.R.) Ms. Sullivan lists the number 1 reason is because low income families do not have the financial resources to defend themselves from false allegations. While it is illegal in Washington to take children because their families are poor, CPS often takes children because their families cannot afford electricity, health care, housing, etc. Ms. Sullivan also states, "Taking low income kids and selling them to the highest bidders is big business reaping $millions for everyone but their families."

After the meeting, another lady stated that she felt the email from Senator Roach's office was misleading because people were not given 1 1/2 minutes to speak as promised. She expressed her disappointment that Senator Roach did not address her complaint that foster parents are not screened for substance abuse in Washington. She suggests that the state require all foster parents be regularly screened for alcohol, illegal drug and prescription drug abuse.

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